Five Crucial Steps After a Truck Accident

As a trucker, you should know that truck accidents are amongst the most serious accidents that can often leave victims with catastrophic injuries and serious property damage. If you, as a trucker, ever get involved in a trucking accident, you should know how to protect your legal rights and how to get compensation if the accident wasn’t your fault.

Here is what to know:

Keep Calm

We know it is easy to tell someone to keep calm, especially after they have been in an accident. It gets hard to think and act straight, but if you keep calm, you will be in a better position to deal with the subsequent things calmly.

If possible, move your truck to a safe place. Get in touch with one of the best truck accident attorneys so that they, along with their team, can coordinate an investigation following the accident.

Call the Police Department

Once you have calmed down, it is time to call the police department and let the operator know what happened and the location of the accident. The operator will ask you about injuries and the number of people who are involved in the accident so that they can dispatch an ambulance according to the need.

When the responding officers arrive at the accident scene, they will create an accident report. Make sure you get a copy of the first documentation about the accident.

Get Medical Help

Usually, this point and the point mentioned above go hand-in-hand. If you or any of the involved people have sustained a serious injury, you should first call the ambulance and then the police department. Or – you can let the 911 operator know right away that there are injured people and you need medical attention.

On the other hand, you should know that you might feel as if you aren’t injured or only slightly injured – but – whatever the case is, make sure to see a doctor right after leaving the accident site. The reason is that it might feel like you aren’t injured, but some injuries can worsen quickly later.

Take Pictures Using Your Phone

After you have called for medical help and while you are waiting for the police to arrive, your next step should be to collect evidence of the accident. For this purpose, you can take close-up shots and shots from a distance of the positions of the involved vehicles. Also, take pictures of the injuries – not only your injuries but also of the injuries of other passengers who were involved in the accident.

Make sure to take pictures of the street and important street signs as well. These pictures will come in handy when you contact your vehicle accident lawyer, who, with their team, will ensure that you are rightfully compensated for the property damage and injuries that you sustained.

Swap Information

Apart from taking pictures, you are also required to exchange important information with other people involved in the accident. When exchanging information, make sure to get their complete names, contact information, addresses, license plate numbers, insurance policy details, and driver’s license numbers.

Talk to all witnesses and record their statements, as these can be incredibly helpful when you reach a settlement. Get the witnesses’ details as well.

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